Best practices for your snow removal business
Snow removal is no child’s play, and running a business to earn profits in this sector, needs thorough planning to succeed. Having a plan in place and following the plan in a disciplined manner is key. Identifying what works and adapting these methods can make or break your business during the winter. Here are a few best practices to help you maximize your snow removal business profits.
Strike a balance
Every contract you take up should be planned to the smallest detail before execution. Do not wing the bulk salt order with estimations. Setting some time aside to assess each site and measure the quantity of de-icing products required for the contract is essential. This will help you price yourself correctly and not suffer losses.
Contractors who have a mapped-out salt management plan will be able to calculate the number of supplies required and place the bulk salt order accordingly. This exercise also helps you distribute the supplies amongst your crew effectively, make necessary storage arrangements, and ensure the right equipment is available.
When there is no salt management plan in place, it will wreak havoc on your season. Overuse of your landscaping supplies and bulk salt could leave you with a shortage of products and eventually disgruntled customers. This can be avoided with meticulous planning and disciplined execution.
Best road salt and application tips for a snow removal business
Each contract your business takes up will have its unique requirements. Following these tips will help you tackle the job effectively.
– Understand weather conditions and assess surface temperature
– Choose the right de-icing products
– Assess the amount of snow on the surface, and clear it before you start gritting.
– Spreading the salt evenly on the snowed surface is another crucial requirement.
– Since road salt absorbs moisture quickly and turns into lumps, storing your bulk road salt supplies in a dry place is very important for your snow removal business.
– Equip yourself with the right tools and machinery, and maintain them to keep them in good running condition
– Train your crew to estimate the amount of bulk road salt every machine uses and assign the same to each contract accordingly. Closely monitor the usage of supplies.
– Make use of maps and plan the snow removal on paper first. In this way, you will have visibility of supplies required and will be able to assign personnel based on the job requirement.
– As excess road salt is dangerous for the environment, have a safety plan in place to dispose of it correctly.
Be Prepared
Being prepared ahead of time will help you tackle the winter without any physical or financial casualties. Order your bulk road salt and other landscaping supplies ahead of time. Check your existing stock condition to make sure it is usable. It helps to start pre-emptive communication with your old clients, so you are assured of their business for the upcoming season. Reach out and try to secure new clients before the storm hits.
Along with this, you also have to be prepared with the proper safety gear for your employees. Identify your best plowers and ensure they are updated in their equipment, product, and safety training. Doing this will give you an edge over your competition and keep you well-prepared to maximize your profits from the snow removal season.
It is undoubtedly challenging to predict the exact outcome of a storm, but being prepared helps in ensuring that you make the best out of any circumstance. Apart from your bulk salt supplies, make sure to stock up on other landscaping supplies and de-icing products as well. Having the right plan in place will lower the chances of call-backs and mistakes, increasing your profitability.