Winter Tips for Gardening
FSI Landscape Supply weighs in on a few winter tips for the garden and landscape. (Source: HGTV, Winter Snow Removal Tips for the Garden, Jeff Stafford, https://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/gardens/planting-and-maintenance/winter-snow-removal-tips-for-the-garden ).
Snow-clad branches may present a very picturesque sight when you look out of your bedroom window on a chilly winter morning. But it is not the best thing for your trees and shrubs at all if you haven’t been prepping ahead. Jeff Stafford highlights the importance of gathering your gardening supplies and carrying out appropriate winter garden care techniques in the HGTV article – Winter Snow Removal Tips for the Garden.
The article begins by talking about the need to inspect your trees before storms hit to avoid potential damage to the yard. Heartily agreeing with this, FSI Landscape Supply points out that “Winter is the time when not just the trees but also disease-causing organisms in them are in a dormant state. This makes this phase ideal for the arborist to diagnose the problem and plan out a treatment method in time. The biggest advantage is that getting rid of the organisms while they are dormant and unable to cause further damage gets your trees ready to welcome spring in great health! Also, with the damaging factors gone, the tree is in better shape to handle the winter chill.”
Another advantage of pre-winter inspection is that the trees can be pruned in time. FSI Landscape Supply underlines how pruned trees are much less likely to have branches that can break away and land in your window or the flower beds, causing damage. Calling in the experts with the right landscaping supplies and tools to inspect and trim down your trees well in time can give your garden a new lease of life.
Jeff Stafford’s caution to avoid topping comes in time, too, because many homeowners believe this is a good way to offer winter protection. Stafford’s article explains that topping can make a tree sick. It exposes the bark completely to sunshine and imbalances the tree and its roots.
FSI Landscape Supply elaborates on this, saying, “Tree topping leaves open wounds on the tree surface. This makes it more prone to disease. Topping may push the tree into early failure, especially if it has to survive a severe winter right afterward. Pruning is the safer, more aesthetic, and healthier option for your trees.”
Jeff Stafford also quotes landscaper Josh Kane and talks about the importance of keeping your trees hydrated during winter. Even evergreens lose moisture from their leaves, and that could seriously undermine their ability to survive winter. Before you start getting out your hose pipe and other gardening supplies to give your garden a good watering, read what FSI Landscape Supply has to say. “Hand watering makes the most sense since it lets you control exactly how much water your trees are getting. Make sure the tree’s drip line, that is, the outermost edge of the roots, gets watered. And avoid watering when the soil is frozen over.”
The landscaping supply company also has a tip to keep moisture locked into the ground. “Add mulch under the branches with a few inches gap from the trunk. The mulch helps retain moisture without making things soggy,” FSI Landscape Supply consultants explain.
For more tips and techniques, as well as quality gardening and landscaping supplies, FSI Landscape Supply is here to help. Visit our blogs or contact us directly!