How to prepare your landscape for fall
As we are enveloped in warm weather and summer fun, the last thing we want to think about is the fall season. However, September 22, 2021, is right around the corner, and “there is no time like the present.” At FSI Landscape Supply, we encourage all homeowners, landscaping professionals, and landscaping contractors to begin fall preparations in August. Early preparation will ensure a healthy landscape that will thrive and survive the colder months ahead. Suppose you feel it is too early to start fall preparations, and you are in denial that the colder weather is approaching. In that case, it is essential to begin gathering the necessary materials and tools. Picking and choosing the suitable landscaping material last minute can be stressful. Therefore, be prepared and conquer fall landscaping ahead of schedule.
It may seem like an apparent landscaping routine to mow the lawn one last time before the fall weather truly settles in. However, there is a general rule of thumb to follow leading up to the fall season. Throughout the last summer months (August/September), it is best to begin adjusting the height of the lawn mower. Therefore, by September, you should be mowing between 2- 2 ½ inches. The grass length will be at the correct height for the last mow of the season. In addition to mowing at the right height, timing when to fertilize is also crucial. Landscaping professionals and landscaping contractors should be prepared well in advance with an abundant amount of nutrient-dense fertilizer. Roughly 2-3 weeks before the ground begins to freeze is the optimal time to fertilize. Following this general rule allows the ground to absorb the nutrients. Therefore, providing a solid foundation for healthy roots, resulting in a lush lawn come spring.
A helpful landscaping tip moving forward, as part of your lawn care routine, is to clear any dead fallen leaves. The bright colours and chilly weather might deter you from removing them. However, fallen leaves have the potential to cause dead patches and will prevent any fertilizer from penetrating.
Typically, we associate planting and gardening with spring. However, the fall season is also great for planting! The ground is still warm, while the air is just right to support healthy plant roots. Therefore, August is the optimal time to address the soil for fall planting. Aeration, organic compost, and a fresh layer of grass seeds are the perfect combination to prepare. The soil will be in the proper condition to support new plant life and guarantee a healthy landscape.
Mulch is the most commonly used landscaping material. It provides various benefits and is used as a protective layer to shield the ground below for the following spring. As a direct result of temperature fluctuations, the soil contracts and expands. Roots are pushed toward the surface and exposed to frost and harsh weather conditions. Dressing garden beds and plant life with mulch will help prevent the damage caused by freeze and thaw cycles. Mulch will help protect the roots and assist with insulating the soil. Lastly, mulch is the perfect natural solution to keeping weeds at bay!
At FSI Landscape Supply, we offer many varieties of mulch in an assortment of colours, grass seeds, various fertilizing products, and landscaping essentials. Visit our product page or contact us directly for more information.